martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Calle del Arte

After the Saturday workshop, we hopped on the school bus and headed to the neighborhood, San Antonio. San Antonio is a very colonial looking neighborhood with old colorful buildings and house that are all connected. It is known for its artsy bohemian ambiance. They were hosting a street art festival. One of the teachers and her family live on the street of the festival, so they opened their house as a restaurant and invited us teachers and people from the festival over to eat. Their house is very Colombian looking. It has old, colorful floor tiles. There is a loft above the dining room. They have a court yard between the bedrooms and kitchen and living room. It was so quaint and cultural feeling. Her husband is French, so he was the chef for the day. He made a delicious lunch of quiche, salad, and wine. It was very relaxing to be eating lunch and enjoy the day with all of the teachers after a day and a half of teacher workshops. After we ate our lunch we headed out to the street to check out the art. Many of artisans really make quality handmade crafts ranging from typical jewelry, handmade leather purses and bags, to paintings. There were also stages set up with live music and salsa performances. The temperature and weather added to make it a truly beautiful day.

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